• Uncategorized 14.05.2009 3 Comments

    Mother’s Day was so nice this year.  We had a great service at church followed by a quiet evening.  Hacky got to write things about his mommy in Primary and that was cute this is what he wrote:

    Mommy’s favorite dinner: Mashed potatoes.

    Mommy’s favorite dessert: Ice cream

    Mommy’s favorite color: Pink

    Mommy’s favorite t.v. show: Boring ones

    Mommy’s favorite thing to do:  Go on dates with my dad, he’s bald.

    Mommy’s favorite book: She reads to me.

    Mommy’s favorite music: None

    If Mommy could buy anything it would be: tires

    Mommy’s favorite place to go on vacation: Camping.

    what can I say, for the most part the boy knows his mommy, I’m still trying to figure out the whole tires thing.

    After church Hacky went with his grandparents and aunts to Mt. P. to visit his great grandparents and some more aunts and uncles and cousins while Zoe stayed home with me and Matt.  That evening we went for a drive and ended up at the cemetery to visit Matt’s brother’s grave.  Zoe had so much fun there watching the birds and other people.  She was in a very silly mood and was making faces and climbing all over me while Daddy cleaned up the grass around the head stone.  It was a very peaceful feeling there and we really enjoyed ourselves.

    Zoe just can't stop being goofy.

    Zoe and Sheldon

    Visiting Sheldon's grave

    Happy Mother's Day!